How to buy or sell a used vehicle in Ontario

shiny car for sale in summer weather, parked with a red vibrant color exterior.

Buying A Used Vehicle

For buyers, the feeling of getting into a newer used vehicle that have new features, lower mileage, and safer is great! Here are a few things to consider when buying a used vehicle in Ontario:

  • buy a Used Vehicle Information Package.
  • make sure that the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on your vehicle matches the number on your permit (your green ownership document)
  • check to ensure the vehicle has no money owing on it
  • ask for a CarFax or purchase one online. CarFax is a document that contains all records related to accidents, insurance claims, service history, or whether or not the vehicle has been stolen. Lien check is another feature that CarFax offers for additional cost.

Selling A Used Vehicle

When you sell your vehicle, you need to give the buyer:

  • the Used Vehicle Information Package
  • a signed Bill of Sale with your name, the buyer’s name and address, the date and purchase price
  • a completed and signed Application for Transfer — this is found on the back of an ownership permit, under the vehicle portion
  • a certificate that verifies the vehicle meets safety standards (if required)
    • you will need to get this from a licensed mechanic
    • look for a green and white sign with “Ontario Motor Vehicle Inspection Station” on it

You keep:

  • your licence plates (because license plates travel with a driver, not a vehicle)
  • the “plate portion” of your permit (ownership), you will need this if you want to register your plates on another vehicle

If you are wondering how much your used vehicle is, or if you would like to sell your vehicle quickly without having to go through certifying the vehicle and listing it on the marketplace, request an offer online today from RN Scrap Junk Cars.